We would love to have you join us!
Sunday Morning service at 10:30 a.m. is filled with Spirit-led praise and worship and dynamic preaching of the Word of God. Join us on Facebook Live or Zoom (Meeting ID: 796 806 7742 Password: 894515)
Men's Ministry - MOH - Men of Honor
Contact Pastor Byron for all men’s studies and activities!
Women's Ministry- Hang'n with Jesus & the Girls
Teen Ministry - Triple T 4J - Teen's Taking Time For Jesus
Meeting the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sunday each month; Triple T 4J is a group of teens that love the Lord and have fun learning all about him and what He wants for them at a level they all can understand.
Children's Ministry - King's Kid's
King' Kids meets the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sundays and is a ministry for kids age 5-12 years old. Here they learn about our Lord and Savior. Students do activities, play games, sing songs, and truly learn about the Word of God.
First Steps meets every 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sunday. First Steps is just that, the first steps to a child's learning about Jesus. These little ones learn about who Jesus really is and how important He is.
Dance Ministries
The Bfly and Caterpillar Dance Ministry are ministries that lead its participants to a closer relationship with Jesus Christ through Spirit-filled dance. Our top goal is to promote physical health and spiritual growth in a safe environment where children are treated as a heritage from the Lord.
Practice for the Caterpillars (girls age 4-8yrs)
Practice for the Bflys (girls age 9-18yrs)
NLN’s BFly Dance Ministry has been honored to have performed at the Power 88.3 fm Bloom Event 2018 and 2019 as well as many Area churches, events and community activities. These young ladies are truly a blessing to their Coaches, New Life North and our Community, we know that God is getting ready to do great things in their lives now and in the future.